lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

Class work, 23/04/19

Please transcribe on separate sheets, the next exercises:

Fill the gaps with either used to or would  and the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

 .  I __________ (be) very shy. Whenever a stranger came to our house, I __________ (hide)in a closet.

2.       I remember my aunt Susan very well. Every time she came to our house, she ___________ (give) me a big kiss and pinch my cheek.

3.       Illiteracy is still a problem in my country, but it ______________ (be) much worse.

4. I ___________ (be) afraid of flying. My heart ____________ (start) pounding every time Is
tepped on a plane. But now I’m used to flying and enjoy it.

Add an appropriate form of be  if necessary. If no form of be is necessary, write Ø in theblank.

4.       On rainy day my children find it boring to play at the home. They _____ used to playingoutside in the big field near our house. They play there almost every day.

5.       A teacher _____ used to answering questions.

6.       People _____ used to believe the world was flat.

7.       Mrs. Hansen _____ used to do all of the laundry and cooking for her family. Now thechildren are older so the whole family shares the household chores.

8.       Trains _____ used to be the main means of cross-continental travel. Today, most peopletake airplanes for long-distance travel.

10.Ms Stanton’s job requires her to travel extensively throughout the world. She _____ used totraveling by plane.

11. You and I are from different cultures. You _____ used to having fish for breakfast. I _____used to having cheese and bread 
for breakfast.

Present simple tense exercises: do | does (yes and no questions)

Exercise 1: Complete this dialogue with do or does to make present simple questions.

Example: Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school.  Ann: (he - get up early?) Does he get up early?

Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school.

Ann: (he - get up early?)  ...........................................................................................................................

Sue: Yes, very early. His friends Jim and Kevin travel with him every day.

Ann: (they - travel by bus?) .......................................................................................................................

Sue: Sometimes. On Mondays and Fridays Jim's father takes them by car. He is a teacher.

Ann: (he - teach at the same school?) ........................................................................................................

Sue: Yes. he does. He teaches English and history.

Ann: (your brother - like English?) ............................................................................................................

Sue: English is his favourite subject. 

Ann: (you - help him with his homework?) ...............................................................................................

Sue: Never. My brother is the best student in his class.

Ann: (Jim and Kevin - attend the same lessons?) ......................................................................................

Sue: No, they don't. They are two years older. But they meet for lunch.

Ann: (Mark - eat at a school canteen?) ......................................................................................................

Sue: Yes, because our mum and dad don't have the time to prepare his lunch.

Ann: (your parents - go to work?) .............................................................................................................

Sue: Yes, they do. My mum is a nurse and my dad is a doctor.

Ann: (they - work at a hospital?) ...............................................................................................................

Sue: Only my mum.

Ann: (your brother - want to be a doctor?) ................................................................................................
Sue: I don't know. But I want to be a nurse.  

Fill in the gaps with the present simple, present continuous or the past simple: 

1. I (to play) -------------------- tennis yesterday but I (not to win) -----------------------------. 
2. John (not to write) -------------------------- letters very often; he (to prefer) ------------------------phoning. 
3. She (not to go) ------------------------to work yesterday because she (not to feel) ----------------------well. 
4. The polar ice cap (to consist) -----------------------------of millions of tons of ice. 
5. You (not to help) ----------------------------- your brother, didn't you? - No, I (to go) -------------------------to the dentist. 
6. Where (Mr Moore - to fish) ------------------------------ at the moment? I (not, to know) ------------------- 
7. How (you - to go) -------------------------- to school? - I (to go - always) --------------------------- by bike. 
8. My grandfather (not to go) -------------------------- to school by bike, he (to go) ------------------ on foot. 
9. last month, we (to enjoy) ----------------- swimming in a five star hotel. It (to be)-------------- wonderful. 
10. He last (to write) ----------------------------- three months ago. 
11. Be quiet, please! I (to watch) ----------------------------- a film. 
12. (you - to know) ----------------------------- where your brother is? - Oh, I (to meet) -------------------him an hour ago, at Richmond Brigde. 
13. (you - to know) -----------------------------where your brother (to be) ---------------------------- lastnight? - He (to spend) -------------------- the evening with his friends. 
14. James!! Where (Dorothy - to be) -------------------------- ? - She is outside. She (to play) ------------------------- with her baby sister. 
15. What (Dorothy - to do) ----------------------------- last night? - She (to study) ----------------------------French and (to talk) ----------------------------- to her friends on the phone. => (she - to study) ----------------------------- hard?- Yes, of course, she -------------------- . 
16. John (to work) ----------------------------- in the garden at the moment. He (to like) ---------------------------- doing this, anyway. Although he (to hate) ------------------- it when he (to be) ---------------- younger. 
17. => Last year, we (to spend) ----------------------------- our vacation in Greece.- How (you - to travel) ----------------------------- ?=> We (to fly) ----------------------------- .- (you - to like) ---------------------------- it here?=> Yes, we (to have) ----------------------------- the time of our life.

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